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Welcome to the Careers page.


The Nariagen team aims to enhance creativity, reliability, and respect. and have Profesional experienced Minecraft architects working as one. 

With our expertise and an unlimited range of skills, customers from around the world will experience a friendly Team that can design, create and work fast to create Server spawns, Game maps and much more.


As a professional build team, we are constantly looking for new ways to improve our standards, builds, and communication towards our founding designs, in hope to change to a whole new level of beauty, realism, and shape. 


Minecraft is a great way of expressing yourself and with our team, you can have the chance of making something from it.

We're looking for people who is hard working, capable of working with others and much more.


If you do the Nariagen forum. The next 48h of notice;

once we have seen your application you will be notified trough either Skype or email notifying you of either you being accepted
or declined for an interview.

From there we will explain the rest.


Thank you for your time and I wish you luck on your application.



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